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What is the Birmingham Philanthropic Alliance?

We are a digital network of foundations, charities and supporters working towards progressing Jefferson County, Alabama

Our members are tackling some of society's toughest challenges, and our goal is to make it easier for them to get from idea to action. 

The Birmingham Philanthropic Alliance is a by-invitation-only digital ecosystem which:

  • Provides access to years of proven funder-charity relationship data within the Birmingham region to efficiently identify, vet, and connect with likely partners 
  • Gathers a network of like-minded philanthropy leaders to foster two-way communication between donors and charities to tap into Jefferson County's needs
  • Is stacked with best practice material to help craft the most impactful stakeholder connections
  • Streamlines the RFP process by promoting to aligned organizations and simplifying responses
  • Creates new avenues to collaborate and progress development in the Birmingham community


A Be.cause Community

Within a growing sector of 2,000,000 charities and 144,000 foundations in Canada and the U.S., finding aligned organizations to collaborate with is hard work.

  • Charities spend a significant amount of time and money identifying and cultivating grant opportunities instead of focusing on their programming
  • Funders are overwhelmed with due diligence, responding to applicants who don't quite fit the bill rather than tracking down those who do

Be.cause Communities, is a new, collaborative approach to fundraising; bridging the gap between charities and their foundation counterparts by gathering them under one digital roof. Backed by 25 years of experience in connecting funders and charities from Metasoft, and SilkStart’s market-leading community creation and management technology, Be.cause is the next evolutionary step to propel philanthropic efforts.


Here's what's coming up.